As many of you have heard, our centenarian Margaret Mills has passed away. She was surrounded by family and passed peacefully at the hospital. We invite you to join us at 11 am on Wednesday, August 21st at the church to celebrate her life. She will be greatly missed, but we rejoice that she lived a long and healthy life. We are thankful for the opportunity to know Margaret.
In anyone in the church would like to bring a dish to pass for the dinner following, please reach out to let us know. We are expecting a good sized crowd. Thank you! Sunday, August 4th, we will not have church in our building. Instead, we will meet for church at 11 am at the pavilion across from the golf course at Ella Sharp Park. It is always a good time to hang out, enjoy some food, and have an outdoor service. Join us! Bring a dish to pass. We will have chicken tenders provided, as well as a few limited drinks (water). We will also have table service at the pavilion. See you then!
Tomorrow is March 1, and that means we are only 4 weeks away from Easter. Easter is a great time to reflect and focus. We reflect on what Jesus has done for us and how we have (or have not) lived for Jesus over the past year. He gave His life years ago for us, and we should be willing to live our lives for Him. That is where our focus needs to be. What does God want from us? What is His Holy Spirit saying to us? I would encourage you this Easter season to ask those questions, spend time in God's word and in prayer, and seek His will.
To help us do that, we are anticipating a great Easter worship season. Here is what is on the schedule: Thursday, March 28 - Maundy Thursday dinner and service at 6:30 pm. Easter Sunday Communion Service at 8:45 am Breakfast at 9:30 am Worship Celebration at 11:00 am Easter Egg Hunt at 12:15 pm We hope to see you there! I cannot tell you how excited I am for the next series. We are going to start a series called "Wesleyan" as we discuss key points and moments from our church's history. We will also discuss how it impacts today and what our mission is and has always been as a church. It is going to be a great series for our church!
AuthorBart Hall has been pastor at Central since June of 2006. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Seminary. He is passionate about following Christ and living the life God desires for us to live. He is married to his wife Kristy, and they have two sons. Bart loves sports, reading, golf, and playing games. Bart also serves as a local hospice chaplain. Categories |