Hello everyone,
I hope and pray this message finds you all safe and healthy. I know that we are living in unprecedented times. There is nothing any of us could have done to fully prepare for this, and I know it’s tiring and frustrating for all of us. I’m not complaining, just want to say this – hang in there! We will get through this. I look forward to the day when I can worship together with my church family. I know we always say the church is not the building, but it’s the people. That is true, but part of that is the gathering of people. I miss the gathering. I need to share about our food distribution. Our FOOD DISTRIBUTION has always been funded by donations from our church body above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings. We had a few years where we brought in much more than we spent, and we saved that money. Those funds have helped pay for a new roof, new doors, our security cameras and many other projects including the food distribution. With the state of church right now, those funds are also helping keep us going as we cannot meet. Please prayerfully consider what you may be able to give to the food distribution. This ministry gives food to 40 families per month, and they leave with 2-4 bags of groceries every month. It costs us roughly $4,200 each year to run this ministry. The Food Bank is offering a matching grant through May 31st of this year. For every dollar we invest, the Food Bank will match 10%. In other words, for every $1,000 raised we are credited with an additional $100. We have paid ahead the last several years, and it’s a blessing. There is one difference with this year: the Local Board of Administration (and I’m in agreement as pastor) do not want to rely on our savings to make sure it operates at the same level. In other words, we need to raise the funds. Currently, $340 has been given so far without even asking for it. We currently have a credit of about $1500 from last year’s investment. If we raise $2400 in the next five weeks, it will cover the program for the coming year. Please prayerfully consider what you can send in or pay online (www.cwc-jackson.org). Again, this has always been above the general funds of the church. Thank you! In His service, Pastor Bart Comments are closed.
AuthorBart Hall has been pastor at Central since June of 2006. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Seminary. He is passionate about following Christ and living the life God desires for us to live. He is married to his wife Kristy, and they have two sons. Bart loves sports, reading, golf, and playing games. Bart also serves as a local hospice chaplain. Categories |