Greetings! I hope this letter finds you well and experiencing the love of Jesus as well as His hope and peace every day. Grace and peace to you all!
As you may have heard, the Covid numbers in Michigan are very high. They are peaking again, and our governor yesterday had a press conference urging people to continue precautions and pause several types of activity. The numbers are so high Michigan has made the national news (not the way you want to make the news). With that said, Central Wesleyan Church will meet in person Sunday. Please continue to adhere to social distancing protocols:
With the numbers high and this pandemic raging on, if you feel the best decision is to stay at home, please feel free to stay home. We will continue to have our video service online at We will also continue to have the conference call at 10 am at (517)798-6975 for a chance to connect and pray together Sunday morning for those at home. There is also a link to giving on the website for tithes and offerings. Thus far, we have been able to safely maneuver this pandemic as a church. Of course, meeting in person is fluid at this point. If someone who has attended church tests positive for Covid, we will most likely need to shut down for a week or two. I pray that will not be the case. I also pray that God will continue to work in and through all of our lives every day. May God bless your day! In His service, Pastor Bart Comments are closed.
AuthorBart Hall has been pastor at Central since June of 2006. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Seminary. He is passionate about following Christ and living the life God desires for us to live. He is married to his wife Kristy, and they have two sons. Bart loves sports, reading, golf, and playing games. Bart also serves as a local hospice chaplain. Categories |